Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Blogging Tips and Rankings

To increase traffic to this site has never been one of my priorities. Average “hits” per day are in the region of 30 to 40, and between 800-1000 per month. That works for me. I have no ads or anything like that. To be honest I have avoided sites that profess to increase traffic dramatically and make me a bucket full of bucks at short notice. I have stuck to MyBloglog, Blogcatalogue and Amatomu, (South African Sites).
Now and then I have “joined” other set ups, but truth be told, I get bored waiting for “approval” and often just ignore them after going through the effort of joining. The “tagging” thingy, has been more of a fun exercise than a sustained increase in traffic. To be honest, I enjoy the “topics” but tagging other people does not come easy to me.
However, one does not want to live in a vacuum, and it is nice to have a decent number of regular readers. The emphasis on regular.
Nevertheless while wandering around I tripped over makemoneywithkassper, and went through the site. There are a bunch of practical ideas and Blogging Tips, that I actually read in detail. The post on title tags is something I will use from now on. So, in summary, I did get something out of a site I usually pass by.
Kassper has the concept of linking to his site and increasing hits, and what he says makes sense. He has a 50+ Backlink initiative that I am contributing to. The good part is I don’t have to list another 5 or 10 sites.


Jeni said...

Good Morning! Well, it's still morning here where I live anyway. I see by "Mybloglog" that you visited here and so I stopped by to check your blog out.
Gotta tell you, I very much enjoyed what I read too - especially your research and explanations on origins of old sayings and such.
Come back and visit some more. Hopefully, you might find something enjoyable at my place.

Leo Viëtor said...

Thanks for sharing this information. I'll pay some attention to my title tags from now on.