Friday, 02 November 2007

Spaghetti a la Horny

Need something good to eat that is economical, easy, fast and tasty? This is it. Obviously a spaghetti thingy. (The name is another story.)
Firstly and most importantly, you need a pack of Spaghetti. My way of looking at it is that a pack is enough for 4 hungry people. More eaters than that, and some will eat and others will be spectators. Good, now break the spaghetti in half. I do this as it is easy to twirl the spaghetti around the fork, and I hate watching people slurping so fast that it bangs both ears before disappearing down the hatch. The spoon way still challenges me and I avoid that.
Take a medium sized pot and fill up to ¾ with water. On the stove, on high and bring to the boil. Half a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of Olive oil. Olive is best but, what the hell, if not in the cupboard, a dash of cooking oil will do. This is to stop the spaghetti from sticking together. When boiling away merrily drop the spaghetti into the pot, vertically, in 4 or 5 handfuls. Don’t worry if they stick up in the air for a while, they will move down under the water. Stir every now and then to make sure the buggers are not sticking together.
This is the time to open a can or bottle of something you enjoy. The spaghetti will cook for about 15 to 20 minutes. Turn down a notch or so if it looks like the spaghetti is going to climb out of the pot.
Cook, bake or grill a bunch of bacon bits or pieces in the micro or whatever, I bake them in the oven. (160c). Main thing is the bacon must not be raw.
Next is to take a glass bowl or any other container that can take about 500ml. What one is going to do now, is create a mixture that will be poured over the hot spaghetti when cooked. Into the bowl goes 1 egg per two eaters. Do the math for 4 people. Then take grated cheese, preferably a white cheese like Parmesan, and into the bowl with the egg it goes. Grind a tad of black pepper ½ teaspoon and in it goes with a dash of salt. Chop up a handful of parsley, follow up with about a cup of cream. Stir away until all mixed.
After the bacon is ready add to the mixture with a bunch of olives and cherry tomatoes.
Spaghetti should be ready by now. Just taste it, if you think it is fine, its ready, if not ask someone else. There is usually someone in the kitchen that knows everything.
Drain the spaghetti and pour hot water from the kettle over the lot to flush, and then into a serving bowl. Add the mixture and toss around quickly. The heat of the spaghetti will “cook” the egg.
Zap some extra parsley on top and mix in a couple of leaves of green rabbit food, Rocket the best, and serve.
Good stuff, Naked Chef beware!!!

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